Grenada Volcanic and violent in origin, Grenada today is scenic and charming. The upheavals of the earth over the centuries have created some of the most lush green jungles, sparkling waterfalls, beautiful beaches and an aromatic array of spices (such as nutmeg and cocoa) which are shipped around the globe. Rejecting the early tribal violence of their fierce Arawak Indian ancestors, the modern day islanders are friendly and peaceable - except perhaps when you are bartering in the St. George's Saturday morning market. The island was a warground for years between the French and British. And though the British finally claimed the land, the island became independent in 1974 - it retains many of its British customs and French names. The capital of St. Georges, with its natural harbour of The Carenage, is perhaps the most picturesque capital in all the Caribbean. The delightful Carriacou and Petit Martinique are two of the nearby islands that are part of Grenada's Grenadines. * Nationality - Independent * Language - English * Currency - EC Dollar * Approx exchange - 2.70 EC to $1 U.S. * Air service - major carriers/charters, BWIA & LIAT